Basic Photoshop!!!!! :3

Today we talked about the basics of photoshop. First, the general preference shows the common features of the program. In the general preference is setting where you can find the

  • General. Color picker, image interpolation(quality of the image), options(animated zoom, export clipboard, enable flick panning, etc.), and history log.
  • Interface. General(Full screen with menus, Full screen, & Standard screen mode. What kind of display you want), Panel and documents, and UI text option.
  • Performance. Memory storage(available RAM, Ideal Range, & Let photoshop use. Amount of memory assigned to photoshop. Its better to use it by at least 60% because your memory storage), History&Cache(History states*maximum numbers of retain in the history panel*=99 & Cache*number of cache levels in image data* =6. . If you put the history state by 1000 or Cache by 8 your PC will hang.),  Scratch Disk(don't us it to flash drives or internal)
  • Cursors. Painting cursors and Other Cursors.
  • Transparency and Gamut. Grid size and colors.
  • Guide, Grid, and Slices. The color of the guide, smart guide, and slice.
Color Setting. 
Working Spaces:
RGB (a number of colors needed when it will be printed), CMYK, Gray (Dot grain 20%. The ink that the paper will be absorbed when its printing), & Spot(displaying spot color channels and duotones)

DPI - Dots Per Inch

Shortcuts (mac):

  • Command + K = Genera Preference
  • Command + R = Ruler
  • Command + Shift + K = Color Setting
CTRL - CMD "Command"
ALT - Option


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